Real, Raw, LIVE Online-Antenatal Education.


"Psyched For Birth"!

Work with one of Australia's most reputable, highly regarded,
birth education specialists - Natalie Joy Meade
(GradDipC, GradDipPsyc, GradDipEd, BSc (Hons), CCB, CH)

Course Highlights!

Get Ready to Gain a Ready-For-Anything Mindset Full, Holistic, Antenatal and Parenting, Education The 'Best of the Best' of Hypnobirthing ++ Extras Fully Prepare Your ‘Psyche’ - Mind, Body and Soul Connect, Share and Have Fun with Other Parents
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You are Here Because You Desire:

Feelings of joy and celebration when you meet your baby for the first time, face to face!

To understand birth FULLY – hormonally, EMOTIONALLY and physically.

To Participate in LIVE, fun, friendly, interactive classes - from the comfort of your own home!

Enhanced teamwork, intimacy and trust with your birth partner.

To feel confident navigating all the tough and challenging birth decisions that come your way.

See you in the Zoom Room !

Let's get specific!

The Psyched For Birth Program was developed by Natalie Meade through 13+ years experience as a Hypnobirthing Educator, Birth Researcher, Birth Counsellor and Birth Doula,


Delivered as an exciting and action packed, LIVE, one-month, intensive, you will spend precious time with your birth education specialist, Natalie Meade, and other expecting parents.


Psyched For Birth Program, created by, Natalie Joy Meade (GradDipC, GradDipPsyc, GradDipEd, BSc (Hons), CCB, CH)


Natalie is an educator who is not only passionate about working with humans, but a psychology and neuroscience educated, and when not working with clients within the Psyched for Birth Program, works as an experienced, successful hypnobirthing educator, birth doula and birth counsellor.

Main Goal

Especially catering for a realistic and effective birth preparation.

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You are in great company!

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Wow I learnt so much, so many tips and tools. It was a paradigm shift for myself and my wife.

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You gave me: trust in my body, you gave my hubby: confidence and in-depth understanding of birth.

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It's the years of knowledge you have Nat that shine through. You have a calmness but confident way of giving and directing information about birth.

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You taught my husband and I how to communicate with each other effectively. We didn't even know we were lacking in that area!

Sally Gosling

Normal Worries and Fears:

Many women think:

⚠ I am afraid of the pain
⚠ I am afraid of losing control
⚠ I am afraid of losing my baby
⚠ I am afraid of my vagina tearing
⚠ I am afraid of all the horror stories happening to me

You might try to ignore or supress these thoughts or you might successfully quieten them most of the day... but deep down, you know you have things to address.

You have a nagging feeling that you have not done the deeper work.

Life is about to change exponentially, and you quietly wonder, am I ready??

How we work together...

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Choose your Month

Choose what month works for you!

A new course begins each month, on the first Tuesday Night of the Month.

AVailable months

Zoom Room Action

Jump into the zoom room with myself and your group and we will get together every Tues and Wed night for three weeks. The last week we have two more bonus nights and you are fully graduated!

The 'two nights per week' method is especially transformative and bonding for us all.

You'll love how it flows, other participants give strong, positive feedback on the format.

Sessions are a nice, easy, one and a half hours. The time ZOOOOMS by - literally!


Enjoyable, Fun Vibe

From the moment we begin session one, my priority and skill as a facilitator is to ensure participants are bonded and comfortable together.

We interact with a 'circle vibe' (it will just look like a ‘rectangle-circle’ on Zoom!).

Participants enjoy many chances to share and explore - as an interactive group.


Bonus Time

As a bonus, every session includes a special, optional, thirty-minute Q&A at the end for any couple/parent who is in the mood to ask questions, discuss/explore something important in their lives.

All participants are always welcome to stay for as many of these bonus sessions as they choose.


Catch up easily

For anyone who misses a session, receives access to prerecorded, interactive group content to watch at their leisure.

The Video content shows other pregnant families learning interactively with me, so it is interesting and engaging to watch.


Ongoing, Steady Support

Parents have fulltime access to communicate with each other, and myself, via your groups' private messenger thread.

Plus, stay in touch with myself privately (at anytime, as often as you desire) via email and text.

At our group messenger thread always easily receive homework reminders, answers to questions, links and recommendations and down the track, birth and baby updates!


You Have Arrived

Imagine breathing a big sigh of relief as you give yourself permission to set aside the overwhelming podcasts and the huge array of reading materials, and instead, work on a personal level, with a caring, wise guide, experienced at meeting you, wherever you are - right now.


Rest assured, the "Psyched for Birth" program covers it all - and better!

"Psyched For Birth" gives you all that you need to be reassured, confident, and ready for the birth of your child. We cover key birth, breastfeeding AND parenting wisdoms.

Plus, we ALSO work at a deeper, more satisfying, and much more meaningful, level.

We expertly address the psychology of birth, we normalise, problem solve and explore, fears, worries and concerns, we educate you with solutions for some, and work through and/or, transform/embrace others.

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Your Choice of Educator really DOES matter!

Meet: Natalie Meade (GradDipC, GradDipPsyc, GradDipEd, BSc (Hons), CCB, CH)

Hi, my name is Natalie Meade. I love: humans; birth; training and educating; AND, I LOVE the way birth becomes more pleasurable, fun and special for the humans I work with.

Psyched for Birth, Antenatal Course

A full birth and parenting course (online LIVE)

  • Eight LIVE sessions with a connected group (across one month, choose your month)
  • Virtual Pregnancy-Birth-Education Support during your course
  • Resource access for H/W and other resources for your birth preparation eg soundtracks
Special Rate Code

Psyched for Birth + Virtual Doula

A full Antenatal Birth Course + Vitual Doula Birth Support (online LIVE)

  • Only available for two families per month
  • Enrolment in the Psyched For Birth Course (eight LIVE sessions with a connected group)
  • Virtual-Birth-Doula support for your pregnancy PLUS, during your early labour, labour, birth and six weeks postpartum.
Contact Nat Today

You're in great company.

See what parents are saying about working with Nat:


Every little moment of the course was invaluable.

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You understand that everyone is going to have a different journey and that the right decision for them will depend on a wide variety of factors, personal and medical.

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For my birth, I especially gained from the
breathing techniques,
positive affirmations, and
birthing positions.

Lindsay Adam
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After the first 5min phone conversation I felt so supported already. I knew Natalie was the right person for me to start my healing journey.

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Get to know your educator..

"Hi, my name is Natalie Meade. I love birth and I love each families' unique passion as they strive to do their very best for their children. Including wanting their child to have a smooth, loving and beautiful entry to the world.

If this describes your family - you are in the right place!

Personally, I used to be naive and full of assumptions. I went into my first birth expecting my midwife to teach me how to allow and embrace birth, but there was no chance, once that labour began (with me totally under-educated), I panicked and spent 23 hours fighting against my own body.

With some lucky factors and circumstances, by miracle, I still had a natural, vaginal birth (more on this in the course).

Years later, as a psychology graduate, counsellor, and hypnotherapist, I came across Hypnobirthing content during my own professional development and was MIND BLOWN at what I'd MISSED out on.

From that moment forward, I threw myself passionately into specialising as a Private Birth Educator - honing and refining Hypnobirthing for my clients needs, over 14 years of experience.

I've now enjoyed educating over 1,000 families, as well as attending births as a Birth Doula, including running Doula Peer Support Groups as an active committee member of the Doula Network Association.

I work regularly educating, supporting births and emotionally supporting thousands more women as a counsellor through the local, community, project that I run, the #NewcastleBirthMovement

I have also experienced what is called a "healing birth" with my second child - packed with mind blowing, bonus learnings! (I share her birth video in the course. an instinctual, naturally cleared, shoulder dystocia birth).

This year, 2024, I am super enjoying presenting my own unique, radically awesome, online-Hypnobirthing: “Psyched For Birth”!


University Qualifications

(GradDipC, GradDipPsyc, GradDipEd, BSc (Hons), CCB, CH)

Professional Development:

Birth Educator to the stars!
What a fun time I had with the Norris Nuts.

You're in great company.

See what parents are saying about working with Nat:

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You are a genuine soul, a woman of true wisdom and passion for what you do.

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I love how honest and open discussions are. You always open my mind to thinking about things in different ways, from new perspectives and challenges my current beliefs, which I find so valuable.

Melissa Milford

Your dedication, knowledge, tack, care and diligence were exceptional, and I dare say that your course was single-handedly responsible for adding joy to our lives in my very hormonal and stressful months of pregnancy. My husband and I particularly loved and looked forward to our Sessions with you.

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Highly qualified, highly supportive highly informative, respectful, considerate, highly empathetic, genuine care overall. Excellent emotional support

Christina Tuakoi

Could "Psyched for Birth" be a great match for you?

Psyched For Birth is for people who:

You want to hear realistic truths - delivered in a positively helpful way

You want to hear the wonderous and surprising things about birth and womens' bodies

You desire the latest evidence based knowledge, tips, tools, and learnings.

You'd love to be given a full blessing to let go and birth messy and wild! (and you want your supporter prepped to love and accept you through the whole journey)

You may have a partner or supporter who is scared and “doesn't want to see you in pain”.

You want to experience birth as POSITIVE, no matter what interventions may or may not become a part of your journey

Psyched for Birth is not suitable for people who:

Participants who would prefer to avoid the necessary, but challenging, topics
Participants not ready to explore their fears
Partners that think their woman is weak and needs rescuing
People not wanting to engage in relationship work, team work, communication work, intimacy and bonding.

For those still reading and pondering....

If you are still reading and have any final questions, I am here. I am responsive and I prioritise time for my clients - birth is important!

Perhaps you are very interested. But like myself, for my first birth, you may be telling yourself that you don’t want to spend too much money right now. Or maybe your medical care provider has gently, or not so gently, nudged you towards their hospital provided course/s.

I wonder if this might be a moment to step into your birthing power….?

‘Stepping into your birthing power’ is how I describe the moment when a woman stops trying to please others, stops following other’s suggestions and goes with exactly what she needs, wants, and desires on an intuitive level.

Maybe, you found this page for a reason :)

Let's chat and let's get you into the Psyched For Birth Zoom Room, very soon!

Warm wishes, Natalie Meade.

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Let's chat details:

To engage for one month of intensive learning and support, the program investment is $595 (includes pregnant woman, supporter and baby).

Your course fee includes your eight group, zoom, sessions. Your bonus eight Q&A sessions and your homework materials access + soundtrack access.

PLUS, access to my virtual support via email, text and phone calls - UNLIMTED - for the entire month we are working together! Call me for light chats, AND emotional flip-outs! We will debrief, re-boot and get you back to enjoying pregnancy!

Respect and honour to the Awabakal and Worimi people as the original and wise custodians of this land. Honour to those who have birthed and breastfed their babies on this sacred land for more than 65,000 years.